Friday, January 11, 2008


Hello everyone. All is going well with Nathan so far. At his 1 week hospital follow-up he was already 10 pounds 8 ounces, so we know that he is getting enough to eat!! We had our first week alone at home and it went well. The nights are still long as we are up every 2 hours, but hopefully that will get better in the near future. If not, mommy needs to learn to nap during the daytime instead of doing house stuff because I'm tired!
Anyway, here are some pictures from the last week or so for your enjoyment!
Take care,
Justin, Amber & Nathan


Anonymous said...

Great pics! What a good lookin' young man. I'll have to get him some camo clothes, turkey season starts April 21!

Uncle Carl

Anonymous said...

Hey, it just occured to me that Nathan has my hair. Or the lack of it on my part. Oh well, you know what I mean.
