Monday, June 29, 2009

Mommy Did It!!!!!

Yes! It is official!! I passed by board examination today!!!! That means (for all of you out there who are curious) I am now a Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP). And all it took was 3.5 years of pain, agony, and sacrifice/unending support from my husband and family!! Now I can take a step back and enjoy my life without something constantly looming over my head! Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way! It couldn't have been done without you!

We had our 3D/4D ultrasound on Friday of Bella. The good news: we confirmed that she is a girl. The bad news: she didn't cooperate and therefore we don't have any good pictures of her! She was not in a mood to be photographed! She kept turning her face closer and closer in to me so we couldn't see her. I guess I just make too comfy of a home and she didn't want to be bothered.

Nathan is turning into a ham!! He is constantly doing something that absolutely cracks us (and himself) up! He is also getting in to EVERYTHING!!! And has learned how to climb up onto the desk chair, lean onto the desk and turn on the computer. Smart smart boy...too smart for his own good at this point! And I think it is time to buy a potty chair for him...I don't expect him to go by any means, but several times over the last week before his bath he grabs his diaper, says "pee pee", and then walks over to the toilet and says"potty". So, we hold him hovering over the huge seat and he looks down and waits. Nothing has happened, but I think it is time to introduce his own potty chair. We shall see how this will go over!

I have taken hundreds of photos this month (see what happens when I don't have school) so will try to post some highlights. May have to wait until this weekend to get a lot up.

Take care out there. And, for anyone who isn't already, please pray for my friend Jenn and her family. She has a 5 month old adorable son named Ryan who has a terminal disorder called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He most likely will not live to see his first birthday and they struggle each day just to keep him comfortable. Please feel free to look at her blog at and please keep them in your prayers!!

Amber, Justin, Nathan & Baby Bella

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