Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Trimester

Well, we are finished with our first trimester and on our way into the next phase of our new addition. Things have not been terrible so far...a few weeks of queasiness and now this bad cold, but not like other's have had to endure! We are looking forward to the excitement the next couple months will bring! According to all our books, I should start feeling the baby move within in the next 3-4 weeks. Then we should be having our next ultrasound in about 6 weeks and if the baby is cooperating, will be able to see if it is a boy or girl!!
We are having lots of fun looking at baby stuff. Our next big task is to re-arrange the house so we have room to set up the crib in what will be the baby's room. That may still be a few weeks, although I know we are both excited to see it all set up in the house.
Our next doctor's appointment is July 5th and I will be sure to update everyone after that. Until then, take care!!

~~The Smith's~~


Anonymous said...

This is so cool!

Anonymous said...

Grandpa here. Just so excited about the next generation up and coming. Grandma was showing me the site today and we read over it together. Guess we will be checking in quite a bit to see what is going on. Take care amber. Only you will ever know how you feel. Take care.

Grandpa luvs ya bunches. (Yes, grandpa is my choice, never did take to "pa-pa, gramps, etc). Luv, Russ