Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sick...again! But still cute as a button!

Hello everyone! Yes, poor Mr. Nathan got sick right after the 4th. We made our first trip to my hometown for the holiday celebration on Saturday the 5th and Nathan spiked a 102.3 fever while we were down there. Some Tylenol brought it down and it was just 99 on Sunday and Monday. Then when I was home with him on Tuesday he got up from his nap and had a 103.5 fever. I took him to the doctor they said his throat looked "horrible" and he got a shot of antibiotic and then oral antibiotics too. I stayed home with him Tuesday and Wednesday and then his Grandma Smith stayed Thursday and Friday. Thursday he developed horrible constant diarrhea and a scalding diaper rash. So we stopped the oral antibiotics and he got another shot on Saturday. We fought the diaper rash all last week and finally have that cleared up. But, now he has a cold and is congested. Through all this he has been such a trooper!! Otherwise things are going great. We are soooo close to crawling but just can't get all the movements coordinated at once to move forward. We are still discovering new foods...we hate peas and bananas, but are okay with applesauce and peaches. He also said "mama" on that Tuesday that he spiked a fever. He is developing such a little personality and is just as sweet as ever. He pats our arms when Justin and I hold him now. It makes us melt!

I also wanted to mention how nice it was for Nathan to finally meet one of mommy's oldest friends, Sarah, when we went to Carrollton. She lives in Arizona and we happened to be home at the same time so Nathan got to meet her! She is a wonderful physician finishing her residency over the next 2 years and then we hope maybe she will be closer in the future so we can visit more! :)
And, we are very excited for Nathan to meet his Great Aunt Rhonda, and cousins Tasha and Trent in 2 weeks when we head to Minnesota for Tasha's wedding. We can't wait to see you all!!
One more thing, Nathan's great grandpa Stambaugh had to have a heart cath this past week and is having another in a couple weeks to place more stents in blocked arteries. We are thinking of him and hope to have him meet Nathan sometime in the near future!
And now, for the pictures!! Enjoy! :)

Justin, Amber & Nathaniel

Nathan and Great-Grandma Hill in Carrollton. She is still recovering from a hip replacement, but was able to hold our big boy for a few minutes!

As I'm sure you can tell, this was when the fever started, and the smiles disappeared. :(

Daddy and Grandpa Smith installed the new Basketball goal and Nathan got to make the first basket. Nathans hand and footprints are in the concrete base that they poured.

He is naked from the waist down to try to get air to his diaper rash. He's not too happy since his tush is hurting. My poor baby!! :(

The next few pictures are Nathan trying to crawl. He is sooo close!!

(***It's too hard mom***I'm tired***)


I LOVE my cookie monster's!!!!

What a cutie pie!!

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