Saturday, February 23, 2008

Growing Boy!!

Hello everyone! Yes, we have one growing boy'd think I give him Miracle Gro to drink!! We just bought Nathan some 3-6 month clothes because he was getting too long and now he has grown almost another inch in just 2 weeks!!! This little boy is growing faster than anyone I've ever known!! He's going to be in 6-9 month clothes by the time he is 3 months old!! :)

Everything is going well here. Nathan has been very very sleepy since Wednesday. He is sleeping up to 4 hour periods during the day and our max has been 6 hours at night. He is sleeping in his bassinett at night, but only wants to sleep in his swing for naps. If we try to put him down in his bassinett or crib, he only cries and can't seem to get himself calmed down enough to sleep. But the minute we put him in the swing, it's off to sweet dreams for the baby.

We can't believe tomorrow Mr. Nathaniel will be 2 months old. Time has just flown by!! 2 months of pregnancy seemed like forever (not in a bad way, it just seemed to last). But the first 2 months of Nathan's life have gone so fast! I miss the first couple weeks of his life when all he wanted to do was curl up on our chest and snuggle in for a snooze. He is getting more independent and doesn't always want to cuddle close. Sometimes he likes to be in his bassinett alone to go to sleep, which is just so different from when we started! But all his adorable smiles, giggles, and coos are a new kind of amazing phase he is in right now. Here are some pictures from the last week or so. We hope you are all doing well and enjoy!! Oh, and one more thing. A friend of mine from undergrad has a daughter who has had a very rough start to life. She is 17 months and is having the hardest time growing. She is going to have a tube placed in her stomach next week to try and help her eat more. Please keep her and her parents in your thoughts and prayers. They deserve only the best!!

Love to you all,

Justin, Amber & Nathan

Me and Daddy when he was off work Monday.

Hanging out in my swing!

Daddy and me this morning in front of the "Shrine to Nathan"!!

Mommy and me this morning.

Me hanging out in my bassinett! Aren't I cute!?!?!

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