Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sleep, Sunshine, and Visits

Hello everyone. I'm proud to report (but worried to jinx myself) that Nathan slept for 8.5 hours last night. We put him to bed at 8pm and he woke up to eat at 4:30am. We were so excited!! He needed the sleep too as he didn't have a nap yesterday afternoon.
Nothing new other than that is going on. I am including pictures from today of our little man. We took advantage of the sunshine and went for a walk outside in the Baby Bjorn and then had visits from Aunt Valerie, Grandma Smith and Great-Grandma Staley. Whew...what a busy day. No wonder the little man went to bed at 6:30. I think Mommy needed to join him!!
Enjoy the pictures!!
Justin, Amber & Nathaniel

Hanging out with Mommy while Daddy did errands.

Checking out Mr. Elephant.

What did Mommy do to me? Sunglasses? Hat? I'm the poster child for sun protection!!

Visiting with my Aunt Valerie. We had lots of fun!!!

Sitting on Great-Grandma Staley's lap. She's funny and made me laugh a lot!!

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