Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Hello everyone! I apologize again for not getting an update on here sooner. It seems like it has been one thing after another since the last post that has prevented me from taking the time to do it. A lot has happened since I last posted...Nathan has 2 teeth now, has had his first ear infection, went to the zoo for the first time, is mobile (backwards), sitting on his own, eating baby foods, and saying "dada"!! Whew!! What a lot of development in a short time!

Nathan got 2 teeth the week after I finished school and after that started getting up every couple hours again throughout the night. I was getting thoroughly exhausted when he got an ear infection 2 weeks later with a ruptured ear drum. He was still for the next few weeks getting up every 1-3 hours thru the night crying..not even wanting to nurse, just crying. We still aren't sure what was going on...residual ear pain? tooth pain? starting to dream? After we had a checkup and knew the ears were okay so he wasn't in pain with that, we started giving him a time limit to cry before we went in to comfort him. We started at 15 minutes and boy, that was the hardest thing to do. Give me labor anyday, but I don't want my baby sad!! This still wouldn't help him sleep thru the night so we started cereal 1 week before his 6 month birthday. This did not help either (contrary to all the advice we were given). Finally, on the night of his 6 month birthday we started sweet potatoes and rice cereal and he slept 10 hours!!!!!! We were ecstatic! He did that for about 4-5 nights, and we are gradually waking up more. First instead of us waking him at 6:30, he got up at 5:30, then 5, then 4:30, then 2 and 4, then 12 and 4, then last night he was up at 2:30 and then 7 for good. I don't know...I wish we could have a consistent night, but we are taking this all in stride. Nathan is thriving and that is all the matters right now!!

At our 6 month checkup Nathan was healthy as a horse and was 20 pounds 10 ounces, 27.75 inches long, and his head circumference was 18 inches...90th percentile for all three!!! And his development was at the level of a 7.5 month old! :) But of course, we know our baby is advanced. He has been since day one! Somedays I am proud of this and want to push him more, but somedays I want him to continue to be my little baby who thinks Mommy is the best and can make everything better with a snuggle or a smile! This week he is finally able to sit on his own...before he was still tripod sitting. He has been up on his hands and knees and hands and tiptoes rocking for the last few weeks, but hasn't quite figured out the crawling forward yet. But he can move backwards very quickly and he can lift and turn his body to get where he wants. He has also figured out what I call "purposefull rolling". Not just rolling because he can, but rolling to get somewhere. One day Justin got Nathan on tape continuously rolling across the floor until he couldn't go any further. Justin and I will try to figure out how to post videos on here so you can see him.
And last weekend Mommy and Daddy bought Nathan his own personal pool (inflatable 5 foot diameter pool) that he swims in with his crab floaty. He LOVES the water!!! He has figured out when we run water inside it is the same thing, so this morning when Justin was washing his hands in the kitchen, Nathan was reaching for the running water!! He has also started reaching for us when he wants up or wants the other person if being held. It is so cute!
Anyways, on to the important part...the pictures!!!! I will try to limit it to just the cutest...but that is difficult seeing as Justin realized we have over 1200 pictures just in the first 6 months of Nathan's life!! Enjoy and have a fun, safe holiday weekend!!

Justin, Amber & Nathaniel :)

Happy First Mother's Day!! #1 favorite thing: Mommy! :)

Believe it or not, he does love me...this picture just doesn't do it justice!

Nathan's Favorite thing to do now: chew on everything!!! Including mommy and daddy!!!
I found my feet and can't let go!

Mmmm....yummy toes!!!!

Reading books and playing with Aunt Valerie and Grandma Hill.
Daddy, Uncle Mike, and Grandpa Hill were fixing the roof from the storm.

Raising myself off the floor.
Daddy getting my belly!!!
Hanging out with Mommy and her shorter hair!

Can you see my 2 teeth on the bottom?!?!

Nathan started out over by the mirror and Elmo and within a few minutes had backed himself to where you see him!!

Okay, hands down this is one of the cutest and funniest things Nathan has learned. He crinkles his nose, sticks out his tongue, and snorts. He does this to show excitement and it cracks us up!!!

We may live in Kansas City, but this family cheers for the Cards!!!

Covered in kisses...this boy is loved!!!!

Tripod sitting.

I love my kitties...the feelings aren't always mutual!!!

Nathan's security object...a small blanket with a teddy bear head.

Hanging out at the zoo by the elephants with Mommy.

Me and Aunt Valerie at the Zoo!! I had so much fun!!!

Playing in my jumperoo from Great Aunt Jane and Uncle Robert.
Thanks so much! I love it!!!

Happy 1st Fathers Day!!! Chillin' with Daddy in bed!

A moment to look at God's wonder on Father's Day.

First time eating cereal!! Mmmm, yummy!

At first we thought he was trying to help by grabbing the spoon.

Now we've learned it's just he wants to chew on it!!!!

Okay guys, that just gets us to June 17th. I have more from swimming, solids, and our 6th month pictures that I will have to add tonight after Nathan goes to bed. This alone has taken almost 2 hours!!! :)

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