Sunday, September 23, 2007

Starting the Third Trimester

Hello everyone! Yes, today begins our third trimester!! It is hard to believe how quickly the time has gone! I think we are both starting our "nesting" phase by getting the house organized. And for those of you who know me well, I am working today on a paper for school that isn't due for another month!! (Don't have a heart attack mom!) :) Exactly 3 months from today is our due date and our little man is continuing to grow. At times it looks like I have an alien in my tummy and if our kitties try to lay on my chest, Nathan starts kicking their behinds!! :) It's pretty funny! We have our next appointment on Friday morning and then our long awaited 3D/4D ultrasound that afternoon! I can't wait to see our son's face and see how big he is now. We will definitely have to figure out how to post those pictures on the blog to share with you all.

Everything else is going well around here. Very very busy which means very very exhausted for mommy. By Friday I was so tired I was walking around in a daze and actually broke down at work because I was on the phone with an insurance company for 40 minutes, had been transferred 6 times and still didn't have an answer to my question about a patient!! The other girls just laughed and told me it was hormones but I was mortified! :) Thank goodness I work with a bunch of other mommies who sympathize and are so supportive! School is going well too. I had my first clinical with my teacher and she said I did a great job. That helped decrease my anxiety a little. :)

Well, I will be sure to update everyone next weekend after our appointment and ultrasound. Have a good week!

The Smith's


Anonymous said...

Hi Justin, Amber, and Nathan,

Sorry we missed the shower. We have something for you that I forgot to bring down to Missouri for Aunt Martha to bring. While I was deer hunting I was thinking about how much fun it will be to have Nathan at deer camp in a few years. Can't wait. Glad things are going well. Keep us updated.

Uncle Carl

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber, Justin, and Nathan:

I'm glad we got to see Nathan's room Sunday. Everything looked so nice. We are getting excited about becoming grandparents. We're also looking forward to seeing you again at the shower.
Grandma Hill