Sunday, May 4, 2008

Oh me, oh my....

Has it really been almost 2 months since I've updated our website?!? I am so sorry to all of you out there who haven't been able to see our little man growing the last 8-9 weeks!! Mommy went back to work on March 17th and realized at that point I simply had no time to do anything except work, do school, and take care of my little peanut!! Now, school is ending on Thursday and I am finally having time to do other things (such as get 7-8 hours of sleep at night!!) and of course, update our blog. I have gone through my camera and have 46 pictures I want to post of Nathan so you all can see how much he has grown!! So, if you have time, please enjoy scrolling thru the pictures and be amazed at how much out little man has grown!!
Just so you know what he is up to these days: he is a rolling machine!! Rolls tummy to back and back to tummy and loves it! Although, it has made diaper changes much more difficult! He rolled for the first time when he was 15 weeks old. He is also playing with his feet now and much more interactive with us when we play. He's growing up so fast!! Also, are you ready for this?? He was 18 pounds at his 4 month visit!!! He is so big! There are a couple pictures with his chunky thighs in them.

Take care, and I will be updating more frequently now since school will be out until August. Enjoy!!!

(Mommy's first day back at work...When I got home he nursed and went right to sleep. He missed his mommy as much as mommy missed him!)

Happy 1st Easter, Nathaniel!!! He wants for nothing!! :)

Giant Pooh Bear for Easter from Grandma and Grandpa Smith.

Hanging out with Aunt Valerie!

We now have to take baths in our big boy bathtub because we have learned to splash water everywhere!!!!!

Uncle Tyler's Junior Prom.

Three generations of Smith men... Kevin Dean, Justin Dean, and Nathaniel Dean.....(Kevin's Dad was Dean Smith). :)

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